Friday, August 28, 2015

Autumn 2015

It's my birthday, so like any good hobbit, I have gifts for my party guests! Here is a copy of my Autumn 2015 liturgical quarter calendar for each of you to print and color. Enjoy!

Auturmn 2015 by LeeAnn Balbirona


  1. Thank you for sharing! I am sick today and could use a good coloring project :) This is so beautiful!!

  2. I just discovered your blog through Pinterest. I got here looking for a printable liturgical calendar that I could color in, but discovered a lot more than that on you blog! I'm also a Catholic convert and mother, so we share that. Anyway, I'm wondering if you have printable versions of all four 2015 seasons? I'd like to color (well, probably paint with watercolors) and hang the whole year in my kitchen. I tried searching within your blog but couldn't find what I was looking for. Thank you!

  3. Also, just an idea, but these are really beautiful and if you did all four seasons at once, ie Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall 2016, and posted them before Christmas '15, I bet people would be willing to pay for them. I know I would.

    1. Thank you for the kind compliments! I generally don't work that far ahead but maybe I will get to that point this year. I personally like the exercise of sitting down every few months and drawing out the new calendar. I also find it easier to get inspired that way, rather than trying to do it all at once. But if the demand is there for an entire year all at once, I'll consider it. Enjoy your painting time! I would love to see your results. :)

  4. Thank you for your lovely drawings of the church year. I found your blog through Pinterest while searching for a Liturgical Calendar to hang for our Sunday school classes. I would also love to have the whole year at once, but appreciate the creative process of drawing as inspired. Perhaps a non-dated full year version for those of us looking to refer to it all year in Sunday School or Catechism classes?

  5. Yep. I would absolutely adore having these. I'm teaching the kids in sunday school about tje liturgical calendar. I think this would be a very neat visual. 2016 will be exciting to see. Maybe you could ever make a blank template and we could enter the dates together.

  6. Link to my 2018 Quarter Year Calendar
